The project provides an addition to house a 42 bed Residential Facility serving correctional clients from the community participating in work release programs or as conditions of their sentence. The addition also provides needed square footage to serve the probation, parole, and administrative functions of the facility. Approximately 3,600 square feet was remodeled in the existing building to enhance its operations and increase safety of the staff, public, and residents.
The two story building is oriented to the south of the current facility with a connection to the existing building. The new design was based upon respecting the existing facility’s aesthetic and operations. It mimics the existing building in program, plan and materiality, but simply states its more contemporary origins. An added benefit of its plan is the partial enclosure it creates for a courtyard that is used by the residents. Slated to be a LEED certified building, the design maximizes healthy and energy conserving day-lit spaces throughout.
Location: Sioux City, IA
Program: Office/Residential Corrections
Area: 18,550 SF Addition
Client: Iowa Department of Corrections
Photo Credits: Cameron Campbell Integrated Studio