
Bloomfield Public Library

November 28, 2018 · #Bloomfield Library, Gather, People, Preserve · 0 comments

The library was a gift from the Carnegie Foundation steeped in heritage and its existing historic fabric was critical.

The new addition had to echo this character.

We closely read its past through photographs, learning its language.

We then wrote a considered sequel.

The new roof shrugs beneath the elder roof, a respectful gesture to the latter’s age.

Inside new finishes and lighting carefully highlight important features of the old library while enlightening readers.

A central entry hall binds the new program to the old structure while giving more visitors access.

The project team closely observed every aspect, including a railing in the entry hall and the furniture that would fill the space; in this architecture, as in writing, the punctuation was as important as the narrative.

It is a thoughtful extension to a repository of thought.

Location: Bloomfield, IA

Program: Public

Client: City of Bloomfield

Photo Credits: Cameron Campbell Integrated Studio